Saturday, April 18, 2009

BunnyJam was fabulous !!

Hi Kittie,

I wish you could have explored EggsActly Island with me - it was a blast! I don't know how long they'll leave it up now that BunnyJam is over, so if you have a chance, you probably want to hop over there: EggsActly:128/128/24 ... When you go, there are two places you want to visit.

First, pop down the rabbit hole and walk along the path into the cavern where the egg hunt took place. You'll see Humpty Dumptys of various shapes and sizes (one of the eggs I found was in this cart). Be sure to sit in front of the painting that you see in this snapshot.

Look for the White Rabbit coming out of his hole completely focused on his pocket watch. A table is set up for the tea party nearby. The scenery is fabulous -- it's so detailed and elaborate; wonderful delicate waterfalls, beautiful flowers, and leaves with places to sit (and lounging behaviors)... there are so many details that you could easily spend hours there. I took some snapshots for you.

When you're done looking at all the trippy stuff that is down the rabbit hole, walk (or fly) back out and up to the top of EggsActly Island and check out all the Easter Egg contest entries. I don't know how they picked the winners; there are so many beautifully decorated eggs that it must have been hard. In fact, there were so many entries that they had to create a second island! Here are a couple more snapshots. You can click on them to enlarge them. All these snapshots open in a new window.

The names of the top egg decorators and those who found the eggstrordinary eggs are posted in the Second Life blog.

See you Soon! xoxo Kiana